Ruizhe Hong’s photography journeys through the entangled emotions of intimate relationships

Delicate and thoughtful, the photographer seeks to visually capture one of the most complex and universal emotions: love.

29 March 2023


Ruizhe Hong is a photographer braver than most, for he tries to visually capture one of the most complex emotions: love. More specifically, Ruizhe shares, “most of my work focuses on the intricate and fragmented emotions one might experience in an intimate relationship”. Featuring two central subjects, Ruizhe’s personal projects show moments of tenderness through touch, and the photographer also uses objects like thread, eggs and birds as experimental visual metaphors.

Ruizhe’s inspirations spread far and wide. For his series So Close When You Look Away, Ruizhe was influenced by Roland Barthes’ book A Lover’s Discourse, in which Ruizhe explains he “tried to deconstruct the universal human emotion of falling in love”. Visually, Ruizhe cites the photographer Rinko Kawauchi as a foremost figure in leading his style. Tender, mediative and complex, Ruizhe’s photographs perfectly demonstrate the evocative potential of a single image.

GalleryRuizhe Hong: So Close When You Look Away (Copyright @ Ruizhe Hong, 2023)

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Ruizhe Hong: So Close When You Look Away (Copyright @ Ruizhe Hong, 2023)

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About the Author

Olivia Hingley

Olivia (she/her) joined the It’s Nice That team as an editorial assistant in November 2021 and soon became staff writer. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh with a degree in English Literature and History, she’s particularly interested in photography, publications and type design.

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