2009 Review: Tao Lin

2 December 2009

In both publications this year, we opened up with a short piece of writing entitled ‘Nice’ by an author we admire, and Tao was first back in April. It was a piece that set the tone for the publication introduction and very apt it was too.

Tao’s image, "High school students Jordan Castro, “Ziggy,” and Mallory Whitten model the three books published in 2009 by Muumuu House, a publishing company
founded by Tao in late 2008.

Mark out of 9 for 2009?

9 out of 9. I met a girl I like a lot, was healthy, got “mad hits” sometimes, moved closer to Manhattan, and didn’t kill myself.

Best new discovery?

Using spinach in smoothies to create “green smoothies”.

Best idea?

Maybe to “make and drink drink green smoothies.” I had known about green smoothies for five years probably but somehow didn’t trust “them”. Today I drink green smoothies maybe 5/7 days.

What were you doing this time last year?

At night I was trying to “gain” a girlfriend. During the day I was editing “Shoplifting from American Apparel” I think.

What broke? How did you fix it?

My hip broke. A doctor failed to help me. Then a chiropractor fixed it for $160.

What piece of work really stood out for you?

I enjoyed “Best Behavior” by Noah Cicero, a novel he published on his blog.

Favourite Book/Album/Film?

I liked the novels “Waveland” by Frederick Barthelme and “How to Sell” by Clancy Martin. I don’t think I listened to new music this year. I’m not sure about films. Maybe “Harry Potter [whatever number it is on now]” while on drugs with a significant other. I think I also enjoyed “The Fantastic Mr. Fox”.

Did you get Swine Flu?


What are you going to miss about 2009 and what are you looking forward to in 2010?

I will miss being 25 and 26. I look forward to the release of my 2nd novel, Richard Yates, in September. I look forward to eating different things. I look forward to reading new emails.

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About the Author

Alex Bec

Alex is the CEO of It’s Nice That. He oversees the commercial side of It’s Nice That, Creative Lives in Progress and If You Could Jobs.

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