Graphic Design: Monotype and Pentagram show celebrates 100 years of type in design
Like many famous combinations – fish and chips, gin and tonic – type and design are inextricably linked but rarely do we explore that relationship in any depth. A new exhibition in New York does just that though, bringing together a host of rare works and unique artefacts to examine the centuries-old way in which these two entities have developed in partnership.
Its been curated by leading typeface foundry Monotype and put together with Pentagram partner Abbott Miller, who has raided the archives of Mohawk Paper, The Type Directors Club, Conde Nast and The Herb Lubalin Study Center as well as his own company and Monotype’s vast collections.
Abbott says: “We wanted to create an immersive environment that communicates the diversity of typographic form: the walls and ceilings are dotted with hundreds of typographic periods drawn from the Monotype library. The idea of multiplicity is reinforced in the graphic mark we created for the Century show, a letter ‘C’ rendered in segments of different Monotypefonts.”
As well as the historic type treasures on display, the legendary Alan Kitching has created five limited edition letterpress posters showcasing the work of five graphic design heroes: Tom Eckersley, Abram Games, F H K Henrion, Josef Müller-Brockmann and Paul Rand. An immersive and intelligent exploration of type in graphic design? The only downside is the whole not-being-in-New-York thing; so how about London next, eh chaps?
Century: 100 Years of Type In Design runs until 18 June at the AIGA National Design Center.
Century: 100 Years of Type In Design (Photo by Bilyana Dimitrova)
Century: 100 Years of Type In Design (Photo by Bilyana Dimitrova)
Century: 100 Years of Type In Design (Photo by Bilyana Dimitrova)
Alan Kitching: Paul Rand-inspired poster for Monotype
Alan Kitching: Abram Games-inspired poster for Monotype
Alan Kitching: FHK HEnrion-inspired poster for Monotype
Alan Kitching: Josef Muller-Brockman-inspired poster for Monotype
Alan Kitching: Tom Eckersley-inspired poster for Monotype
Herb Lubalin/John Pistilli: TDC Annual Competition Announcement (Courtesy The Herb Lubalin Study Center)
Monotype Production Drawing
Kenneth Kuestner: Booklet for Strathmore (Courtesy Mowhawk Papers)
Poster for Strathmore (Courtesy Mowhawk Papers)
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Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.