Dream come true! The artists behind the Beastie Boys album covers!
If you used to spend your time scrutinising the Hello Nasty album cover in your room (this is before the time when we all had work to do) or if you just thought, or still think, that The Beastie Boys are the coolest guys ever, then you’ll like this. Good old Juxtapoz magazine have gone and located all the designers and artists responsible for the consistently amazing Beastie Boys artwork and have interviewed them about the process.
Interesting facts come out of this. A photograph on the front of an album was taken in only three shots, some of the designers couldn’t even understand what the Beastie Boys were saying, and a humbling quote from the legendary World B. Omes where he exclaims that all the great artwork was created purely because of the sheer brilliance of that band. Seriously great video, watch it here.
Juxtapoz x Beastie Boys: Album Covers Through the Artist’s Voices
Juxtapoz x Beastie Boys: Album Covers Through the Artist’s Voices
Juxtapoz x Beastie Boys: Album Covers Through the Artist’s Voices
Juxtapoz x Beastie Boys: Album Covers Through the Artist’s Voices
Juxtapoz x Beastie Boys: Album Covers Through the Artist’s Voices
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.