14 animation studios take on Monty Python star's autobiography
- Date
- 12 September 2012
- Words
- Rob Alderson
Imagine you were asked to make a film out of the late, great Monty Python’s star Graham Chapman’s life. Now imagine that true to Python form and spirit you decided to make it an animation. How on earth would you begin to decide on a look and feel that could communicate this extraordinary man and his ridiculous talent? Easy, you don’t decide on one look and feel, you decide on loads.
So for the film version of A Liar’s Autobiography no fewer than 14 animation studios working cross 17 different styles got on board, and this trailer suggests the result is going to be something very special.
As the official release puts it: “Although Chapman selfishly dropped dead in 1989, he had taken the trouble to record himself reading his book, A Liar’s Autobiography — and those recordings have now ingeniously been used to provide Chapman’s voice for the 3D animated feature of the same name. ”Not a documentary, not a Monty Python film, A Liar’s Autobiography is Chapman’s own take on his bizarre life and his search for self-knowledge."
Starring his fellow Python members and a few surprise guests this is a silly, surreal way of marking the life of a hugely loved but also hugely troubled comedy star.
Graham Chapman: A Liar’s Autobiography (still)
Graham Chapman: A Liar’s Autobiography (still)
Graham Chapman: A Liar’s Autobiography (still)
Graham Chapman: A Liar’s Autobiography (still)
Graham Chapman: A Liar’s Autobiography (still)
Graham Chapman: A Liar’s Autobiography (still)
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Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including itsnicethat.com, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.