Karin Idering's daily experimental poster journal, Nice | Easy

13 June 2016

Stockholm-based visual designer Karin Idering is the curator of popular Instagram feed inspirationseed, and is now 25 weeks into her Nice | Easy daily-post poster project.

Karin’s own designs are wide ranging in style and influence, yet viewed together seem a cohesive stream of minimalistic experimentation. Simplistic and bold, the posters frequently utilise gradients — sometimes they are nothing but a gradient. Describing her influences, Karin said: “I like artists that take inspiration from different movements and time periods and mix it up to build their own creation around it.”

Within the larger feed, smaller sequences form as ideas are developed and revisited over the course of a few days before a new tangent is found. Palette cleansers occur: a series of expressionism influenced fields of spectra is broken by a giant green ficus leaf on a cream field of negative space. Karin is concerned chiefly with experimentation, as she explains: “I try to make ‘mistakes’ on purpose and see where it leads me.”

Typography is used at intervals, typically proclaiming the name Nice | Easy in different logotype forms. Together tone, text and texture composed daily act as a personal outlet, a visual journal of sorts, responding creatively to the day’s events: “Often I try to convey how my day’s been in my posters. Sometimes I’ll illustrate a brief moment or emotion, and sometimes it’s a sum up of the last 16 hours.”


Karin Idering: Day 132


Karin Idering: Day 93


Karin Idering: Day 93


Karin Idering: Day 72


Karin Idering: Day 14


Karin Idering: Day 14


Karin Idering: Day 159


Karin Idering: Day 69


Karin Idering: Day 69


Karin Idering: Day 96


Karin Idering: Day 27


Karin Idering: Day 27

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About the Author

Jamie Green

Jamie joined It’s Nice That back in May 2016 as an editorial assistant. And, after a seven-year sojourn away planning advertising campaigns for the likes of The LEGO Group and Converse, he came back to look after New Business & Partnerships here at It’s Nice That. Get in touch with him to discuss new business opportunities, and how we can work together on creative partnerships, insights, experiences or advertising.

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