Advertising: Graffiti ambigrams create powerful suicide awareness campaign
Every once in a while an ad campaign comes along which manages to convey a really powerful message in a beautifully simple way. That certainly applies to this project by Publicis Singapore for the country’s Samaritans and their suicide prevention work. Under the strap line "The signs are there if you read them, " creative director Erik Vervroegen and his team created this series of graffitied ambigrams which read either as simple platitudes or desperate cries for help depending which way round you read them. At a time when the usual debates around the annual ad junket to Cannes are in full flow, it’s nice to be reminded of the potentially life-changing – in this case life-saving – power of a great idea.
Publicis Singapore: I’m Fine/Save Me
Publicis Singapore: I’m Fine/Save Me
Publicis Singapore: I’m Fine/Save Me
Publicis Singapore: I’m Fine/Save Me
Publicis Singapore: I’m Fine/Save Me
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Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.