Photographer Robbie Augspurger's funny and ridiculous retro-inspired portraits
It’s one thing slapping a Valencia Instagram filter on a photo of your roast dinner and mentally patting yourself on the back for your old school photography skills, but it’s quite another to have your subjects dressed up like they’ve just been zapped in from another era and then photograph them to an extremely high standard accordingly. Photographer Robbie Augspurger describes the motivation behind his practice thus – “I like to think of what I wished existed, and then make it” – which is very admirable, really. Especially as what he wishes existed is a series of glamorous headshots so decidedly retro in both styling and format that you wouldn’t think twice if you found them in an old shoebox in your loft.
From the vacant glazed facial expressions of some of his subjects right down to the gold emboss of his signature in the bottom right hand corner, Robbie’s creative undertaking is hilarious and brilliant, down to the very last impeccable detail. If only he was taking commissions.
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
Robbie Augspurger: Glamour & Headshots
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.