In this week's podcast we chat Jeremy Leslie's magazine, muses and a Bible redesign
Greeting podulators, we’re back again for another episode with Rob Alderson in the hosting-throne and peasants James Cartwright and Liv Siddall kneeling at his side. You can listen via the SoundCloud below or subscribe via iTunes over here..
Jeremy Leslie’s Fiera Magazine
Today we kicked off by chatting about a magazine put out on Kickstarter by Jeremy Leslie of MagCulture fame. The magazine is all about design festivals, and we wonder if he can make them appeal to a wider audience by way of a printed publication. Next we discussed SHOWstudio’s series Subjective in which Nick Knight interviews muses who have taken part in groundbreaking or iconic pieces of work. Check out the site to see videos of Kate Moss, Lily Cole and other muse-like beings chat about the secrets of those well-known shoots.
After a short jingle we rejoined to discuss a controversial redeisgn of the Bible which has had nearly a quarter of a million dollars donated to fund it. Is it necessary? Does it work? Let us know in the comments bit below if you so wish. See you next week!
Adam Lewis Greene: Bibliotheca
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About the Author
Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.