Terrific updates from bonkers visual communication collective The Rodina
Established in 2010, The Rodina is, in their own words, “a society of intimacy, love and trust where individuals may escape the competition of dehumanising forces in post-postmodern society.” Anybody else might refer to it as a visual communication studio, made up of Vit Musil, Radim Petruška and Tereza Rullerová, but the joy with which these guys write their About section permeates the entirety of their output, from completely bonkers posters to wonderfully colourful book cover design.
As they go on to explain, they’re “trying to define meaningful connections between culture, technology and aesthetic.” Whether the project be digital ponderings on the letter “U” (like unisex, unzip, utopia and uranus) or a comparatively straightforward workshop and corresponding exhibition reflecting on the art, architecture and design connecting vacant urban spaces, the Rodina’s philosophy is fun and joyful above all else, lending their work a uniquely inspiring influence as well as a hint of insanity.
The Rodina: Performing Arts
The Rodina: Performing Arts
Roosje Klap and The Rodina: Coming Soon
The Rodina: MG_Open
The Rodina: Another City
The Rodina: Pecha Kucha
The Rodina: Book Cover Design
The Rodina: Another City
The Rodina: Another City
The Rodina: MOX/NOX
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About the Author
Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.