This is what your great-great-great grandchild's home on Mars might look like
Mars Incubator (Via Mars Incubator/Nasa)
As the Earth becomes an increasingly unpleasant option for continued and sustainable habitation, our attention drifts towards life on other planets. Surely, we think after another morning squeezed into someone’s armpit on an overpriced train into work, things might be better on… Mars?
Back in 2015, Nasa — yep, them again — launched the 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge, competition which asked cosmically-minded creative types to envisage homes that’d work on Mars, the moon, and maybe even beyond.
A trio of finalists have now been announced, having been whittled down from 11 teams, each of which was asked to use modelling software to generate full-scale renderings of the dwellings they hope our great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren may one day get to reside in.
CNN reports that each of the resulting models has been evaluated for “architectural layout and aesthetics, as well as the feasibility of their construction and scalability, among other traits.”
Those lucky entrants are the jazzily-named NYC-based group SEArch+/Apis Cor, who presented a twisty-turny proposal, Team Zoperhous, who want to use a rover-robot to aid with the printing process, and the modular-minded Mars Incubator squad.
The final stage takes place in May and the trio of tech-boffins will have to produce scale models of its designs, using a 3D-printer. Think of as a sort of Great British Bake Off with less soggy bottoms and more opportunities to escape the wretched and ravage planet we are forced to call home.
You can get a glimpse into the life of the world to (maybe, possibly, hopefully) come below.
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Josh Baines joined It's Nice That from July 2018 to July 2019 as News Editor, covering new high-profile projects, awards announcements, and everything else in between.