Contemporary comics with a hint of yesteryear from Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno is an Ottawa-based illustrator with an ability to create contemporary comics soaked in a colour palette from the past.
Aged just 22, Brie’s portfolio has developed a refined style that is truly distinctive. Her illustrative technique is unique but distinguished, misshapen characters with clear facial features that often contain a cheeky disposition. After attending Ontario College of Art and Design for two years Brie made the decision to leave her course, “to focus on freelance work and comics”.
A recent zine, Missy encapsulates Brie’s practice of what appear to be innocently retro comics. However on further viewing they display an illustrator with an art for storytelling. The drawings are displayed with no written explanation which allow the narrative to be interpreted instinctively by the reader.
Therefore, in many cases Brie’s illustrations could be comfortably enjoyed by both adults and children through her depiction of animals, personalities and interiors.
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
Brie Moreno
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About the Author
Lucy (she/her) is the senior editor at Insights, a research-driven department with It's Nice That. Get in contact with her for potential Insights collaborations or to discuss Insights' fortnightly column, POV. Lucy has been a part of the team at It's Nice That since 2016, first joining as a staff writer after graduating from Chelsea College of Art with a degree in Graphic Design Communication.