Illustration: Architecturally trained Giacomo Bagnara is magnificent
There’s a lot more to Italian illustrator Giacomo Bagnara than initially meets the eye. Like Dutch cartoon genius Joost Swarte, Giacomo’s interest in drawing goes beyond simply making pictures; he’s got architectural training up to the eyeballs and could happily turn out a stylish building should he so wish. But he’s currently channelling his creative efforts into producing beautiful pieces of two dimensional imagery, using his professionally trained eye to create work that’s geometrically precise and arranged with an architect’s eye for detail.
The results are timeless, comfortably straddling the aesthetics of numerous eras – from the victorian past to the swimwear of the future – and have attracted the attention of clients as prestigious as The New York Times, GQ, BOLO Paper, Aston Martin and Cadillac. Nice work if you can get it!
Giacomo Bagnara: Untitled
Giacomo Bagnara: Untitled
Giacomo Bagnara: Untitled
Giacomo Bagnara: Poster for Mag Festival 2013
Giacomo Bagnara: Untitled
Giacomo Bagnara: Untitled
Giacomo Bagnara: Wallpaper for Poolga
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About the Author
James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.