Gorillas in green suits – how can you not love illustrator Séverin Millet?
Séverin Millet is exceptionally cool. For not only is Séverin Millet French (cue all my French-related fantasies of afternoon wine, chateaus and picnics on the Seine) but Séverin Millet also happens to be a truly fantastic illustrator and, if the suits he kits his illustrative characters out in are anything to go by, one can only assume that he is quite a suavely dressed gentleman too.
But just as you start to wonder what exactly it is that makes Séverin’s illustrations quite so fantastic, cast your eyes to his series of suited animals and I doubt you will have much more wondering left to do. It’s rare to see even the most style-conscious hipster looking as sharp as that gorilla suited and booted in luminous green.
But whilst I have clearly been swept away with Séverin’s suited animals you should know that the rest of his portfolio is pretty perfect too. From carnival faces and owls in glasses to geometrically beautiful prints, their clever use of colour and beautiful simplicity will sweep you off your feet with their brilliance.
Séverin Millet
Séverin Millet
Séverin Millet
Séverin Millet
Séverin Millet
Séverin Millet
Séverin Millet