Mosh Pit Simulator, perhaps the craziest VR game yet, launches later this month

18 January 2019


There’s a new VR game coming out at the end of this month, and it’s sure to give Beat Saber a run for its money. The brainchild of renowned games designer Sos Sosowski, Mosh Pit Simulator was actually created by accident two years ago when Sos was playing around with simple AI algorithms to programme human models. This serendipitous discovery informs the basis of Mosh Pit Sumlator, whose characters, called “zombies”, flip-flop around in jerky movement according to the code: “if chest is below 1m, bump chest up”. The premise for Mosh Pit Simulator centres around these manic, “brainless, boneless humanoid creatures” in this highly anticipated, albeit slightly mad, new game.

Mosh Pit Simulator throws players into a world overrun with the zombie-like beings where their aim is to “save the world from these weird creatures”. Though the constantly spasming zombies are practically harmless and “just want to live normal lives” by going out shopping, driving around in cars and going on dates, players are made to feel uneasy about their existence. With nearly one-square-km of virtual city to explore and destroy, the game combines interactive comedy with the usual video game attractions of explosions, plus the opportunity to build cool virtual stuff.

“There are many VR games out there and every time I try to play one, the first I try to do is destroy everything around me,” says the games creator Sos. However, “most of the titles are rigged to prevent me from doing that as to keep me focused on the actual point of the game.” By contrast, in Mosh Pit Simulator, you can destroy everything. You can even build stuff just to be destroyed at a later date and share your creations or destructions with friends or aliens passing by.

Because it’s a VR game, players’ abilities extend well beyond the laws of physics. They can interact with objects that would never be possible in the real world but because it exists in virtual reality, the pros are that, basically, anything is possible. If all of this didn’t sound enticing enough, the game’s plot involves the story of a mad scientist who has an epiphany and decides that “bones are the bane of humanity and in an effort to get of all the bones in the world, he develops a special toxin.” Somewhere along the way, auto-correct changes “bones” to “brains” and thus begins the age of the new zombie-like race seen frantically wobbling around the game.


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator


Sos Sosowki: Mosh Pit Simulator

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About the Author

Jynann Ong

Jynann joined It’s Nice That as an editorial assistant in August 2018 after graduating from The Glasgow School of Art’s Communication Design degree. In March 2019 she became a staff writer and in June 2021, she was made associate editor. She went freelance in 2022.

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