Quarantine and instil hope! Live is a series of free online talks featuring DIA, Spin, Hey and more

Housebound? Bored? Trying to stay positive? Gianluca Alla may have come up with just the thing you need right now.

19 March 2020

Never fear lovely housebound creative readers of It’s Nice That! Gianluca Alla might just have the perfect solution for you. In a time of uncertainty, the Covid-19 virus has meant that most of us are working remotely and socially distancing ourselves from others. It’s a trying time for us all, but here we find ourselves fighting to stay positive, fighting procrastination and above all, fighting the virus.

For the Italian graphic designer who created the funkiest Grads identity yet last year on It’s Nice That, the issue at hand set his creative problem-solving cogs whirring. To combat the isolation of quarantine, his new project Live offers a series of live talks on Instagram from some of the biggest names in the industry. On the line up so far are Spin, Hey’s Verònica Fuerte, Anthony Burrill, DIA’s Mitch Paone, Rifke Sadleir, Marco Oggian, Joseph Lebus, Automatico Studio’s Demian Conrad and Piero di Biase of Think Work Observe amongst many many more.

It launches tomorrow (Friday 20 March 2020) with Demian Conrad and Automatico Studio taking to the virtual stage at 5 PM (GMT). Every day from then (including weekends) Live sees a line up of top creatives unite together in these dubious times. The website allows users to convert the programme to any time zone and is constantly being updated as increasing amounts of speakers join the roster of virtual talks.

Open to all, there is no set format for the talks. The designers and illustrators are free to speak about almost anything creativity-related, from their career so far to a project or two, or even give a mini-tutorial on a particular subject.

To accompany this online festival of sorts, Gianluca has designed a bold identity for Live complete with digital assets including a pair of slippers, popcorn and the ever in-demand toilet roll emblazoned with the Live logo. Evolving day-by-day, even minute-by-minute, stay tuned to Live to catch up with your favourite designers from their very own home studios.


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About the Author

Jynann Ong

Jynann joined It’s Nice That as an editorial assistant in August 2018 after graduating from The Glasgow School of Art’s Communication Design degree. In March 2019 she became a staff writer and in June 2021, she was made associate editor. She went freelance in 2022.

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