Good For Nothing and Glimpse call on creatives to mobilise strikers on 20 September
Kristian Buus: UKSCN strike
Social activism initiatives Good For Nothing and Glimpse have launched an open brief to the creative industry to help mobilise a million strikers for the climate change strike on 20 September 2019. Started initially by designer and strategist Dan Burgess, founder of Good For Nothing, the organisation has been growing the project via meet-ups and a one-day sprint event last week, and is looking for creative people to “use their super powers” to get the word out about the upcoming UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN) walk-out.
Following last week’s sprint, a brief has been written and the groups are now looking for agencies and studios to develop concepts for a number of campaign paths. These include designing a physical poster or digital flyer to announce the event, creating a short film to spread the message on social media, and creating memes.
This document shares the project’s progress so far and gives more detail about the briefs.
“There is something that everyone in this industry can do to encourage more people to take to the street on September 20th,” Burgess says, “and step up with the young to show that we demand urgent action on the climate and ecological crisis.”
He also urges that “we [the activist groups] are not owning all of this, it is not our thing, we are just the catalysts and sherpas for this mobilisation experiment on behalf of young strikers via UKSCN. We have no funding to do this currently, so this is running on a combination of love, hope and fear.”
This article is part of Response and Responsibility, a series of features and opinion pieces about the ongoing climate crisis and what the creative industries can do to make a difference.
Kristian Buus: UKSCN strike
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Jenny is the online editor of It’s Nice That, overseeing all our editorial output. She was previously It’s Nice That’s news editor. Get in touch with any big creative stories, tips, pitches, news and opinions, or questions about all things editorial.