Gymbox aims to make exercise fun with cheeky new campaign
Quiet Storm: Gymbox
Uk-based fitness firm Gymbox know that the task of going to the gym is both good and bad. There are moments when squeezing out another squat feels like you’re seconds away from starting life afresh as nothing more than what men in v-neck t-shirts call “vibes”. Then there are the dreary, hungover Sunday afternoons where you can barely exert enough energy to power through the 25 kilometres that are necessary to burn off 25% of last night’s tasty but ill-advised lamb kofte kebab.
But Gymbox seems to aim themselves at the kind of person who has far more experience of the former than the latter. If you’ve ever walked past a Gymbox mid-evening and seen a succession of sweaty, beatific, exercise-heads emerging, steaming and satisfied, you’ll know what we mean.
Yesterday (14 January) it unveiled a rebrand and repositioning courtesy of disruptive London-based agency Quiet Storm. Fully embracing the canary yellow that makes a Gymbox stand out amongst competition, the campaign, in its words: “brings to life what makes Gymbox different, showcasing that it’s the antidote to boring gyms, and injecting a sense of excitement to gym-going.”The campaign’s central point of focus is that, with the right mental application, gym-goers can see a few hours spent banging weights or spinning themselves into a frenzy with the same level of excitement that a big night out provides many of us with. Cheeky slogans abound.
Speaking to It’s Nice That about the genesis of the campaign, Trevor Robinson, the ECD of Quiet Storm says: “They wanted to show that Gymbox is the antidote to boring gyms and it doesn’t feel you’re working out when you’re in there because you’re having such a stimulating experience.”In turn, the work, says Quiet Storm, “highlights Gymbox’s key strengths: the unique classes, the resident DJs, its top equipment and very personal trainers,” and will roll out both in print and the real world with immediate effect.
“It was key,” Trevor says, “to not adopt an aggressive and a ‘taking ourselves too seriously’ tone of voice, we all know how intimating that can be especially when it’s being spoken by a gym. We wanted to reflect their personality and USPs whilst being inclusive to everyone.”
We couldn’t finish our chat with Trevor without asking: what do you do when one of those uber-muscley dudes is hogging the bit of equipment you’ve been eyeing up since the second you arrive in the gym? “I tend to work on a few different machines in rotation,” says Trevor. “So I just come back to the machine that’s being hogged when Mr Big Boy Muscles has gone.”
Quiet Storm: Gymbox
Quiet Storm: Gymbox
Quiet Storm: Gymbox
Quiet Storm: Gymbox
Quiet Storm: Gymbox
Quiet Storm: Gymbox
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Josh Baines joined It's Nice That from July 2018 to July 2019 as News Editor, covering new high-profile projects, awards announcements, and everything else in between.